打球道預訂白石高球練習場 位於馬鞍山一個半島之上,球道遠眺馬鞍山背靠吐露港,景觀開揚環境優雅,練習場佔地四十多萬呎,擁有六十三條球道,設施齊備,包括更衣室、休息室等等一應俱全,務求提供一個舒適的練習及休閒環境。
The Riverside Whitehead Golf Club is located on a peninsula in Ma On Shan. The fairway overlooks Ma On Shan with Tolo Harbour in the background. The landscape is open and the environment is elegant. The driving range covers an area of more than 400,000 square feet. It has more than 63 fairways and complete facilities, including locker rooms, golf equipment shops, coffee shops, lounges, etc., in order to provide a comfortable practice and leisure environment.